What is up with the name?

Quijotesco (kee-ho-TES-ko) is the Spanish version of quixotic. It means “exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.” But it can also mean “one who emulates Don Quixote” or, as I am using it, one who dreams the impossible dream. And as far as “why Spanish?” I just think is sounds better that way.

Why choose a name that is so hard to pronounce?

Let’s be honest, after a career in medicine, the idea that there is a talented writer inside me just waiting to break free is a touch…optimistic. That said, I believe good writing can influence the world, and the world is in dire need of some influence these days. This collection of essays will have a bit of a “tilting at windmills” quality to it, and the name reflects that.

What can I expect for Quijotesco?

Part of tilting at windmills is believing in great possibilities. I am convinced that a majority of Americans are passionate in their love of country and hungry for a way to express that. I hope to attract like-minded people with this newsletter. Plus I reserve the right to toss in the occasional fiction piece.

Wait! You never said who you are.

I am a retired career Army physician. I am a practicing medical oncologist. I took a vow to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and it didn’t have an expiration date. I hope my writing will help preserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Cheers, y’all.

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Tilting at Windmills, Things Worth Fighting For, Fiction, and Other Lost Causes


Former career military physician and current practicing oncologist. I tilt at windmills regarding health, humanism and America at https://davidemccune.substack.com/